The following demonstrations show how TextPipe Pro can be controlled from a web page using VBScript or JScript. You could easily customize this page with your own logo, instructions, links to your website and much more, and then deliver it to your clients as a custom front-end. The script can also be encrypted (e.g. javacript uglify) so that users can't change it. We can also provide installation support so that you can package the front-end and TextPipe for your clients.
To use this page you must have TextPipe Pro installed, and you may need to alter security settings to minimum to allow the TextPipe.Application object to be created. You can easily do this by adding to your list of trusted sites. In IE, Tools\Internet Options, Security Tab, click Trusted Sites, click [Sites], uncheck Require https:, type, click [Add], then [Ok], [Ok].
This demonstration starts TextPipe, adds a dummy filter, and then leaves TextPipe open for running.
Below is the source code embedded in this page:
<script language="VBScript">
' addStringFilter type - the type of filter to add
stftAddLeftMargin = 0
stftAddHeader = 1
stftAddFooter = 2
stftAddRightMargin = 3
sftConvertToRandomCase = 42
dim TextPipeApp2
function test()
dim Filter1
dim TextPipeApp
Set TextPipeApp = CreateObject("TextPipe.Application")
Set Filter1 = TextPipeApp.newWindow
Filter1.addCommentFilter( "This filter list was created from VBScript on a
webpage" )
if form1.leftmargin.value <> "" then a = Filter1.addStringFilter(
stftAddLeftMargin, form1.leftmargin.value )
if form1.rightmargin.value <> "" then a = Filter1.addStringFilter(
stftAddRightMargin, form1.rightmargin.value )
if form1.header.value <> "" then a = Filter1.addStringFilter( stftAddHeader,
form1.header.value )
if form1.footer.value <> "" then a = Filter1.addStringFilter( stftAddFooter,
form1.footer.value )
form1.output.value = Filter1.processString( form1.input.value )
'close TextPipe
'if you don't want to close TextPipe, omit the closeWithoutSave line
Set Filter1 = Nothing
Set TextPipeApp = Nothing
end function
function test2()
dim Filter1
Set TextPipeApp2 = CreateObject("TextPipe.Application")
Set Filter1 = TextPipeApp2.newWindow
Filter1.addCommentFilter( "This filter list was created from VBScript on a
webpage" )
Filter1.addSimpleFilter( sftConvertToRandomCase ) 'randomize case
end function
function test3()
Set TextPipeApp2 = Nothing
end function