
TextPipe comes in a variety of editions. We provide an upgrade path from lower editions to higher editions. If you have trouble deciding which version of TextPipe fits your needs, please contact us.

TextPipe Lite Standard Pro
Feature \ License Type Single User Single User Single User Run Time App Server/ MultiCPU Edition Floating License Engine
Recommended for Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) Use            
Recommended for Developers        
Recommended for Corporate/Organizational Use      
License sharing, multiple installs One User*
One User*
One User*
One User*
One Server
Many users
Workstation Server
One Server
Server install allowed? - - - -
  $150 / year $199 / year $399 / year $199 / year $699 / year $499 / year $500 / year
  Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy
Core features              
Interactive GUI    
Visual drag and drop mapping  
Save and reuse conversions
File-for-file compatible with other versions (Lite/Standard/Pro)
Shred a file (overwrite its contents)
Search and replace with exact match, pattern match (both Perl and egrep), sounds-like, edit-distance, Brief and MS-Word options, extract option
Number of filters in the filter list Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Pattern matching sub-expressions (used to re-arrange the found text in the replacement - $1, $2, $3 etc) Up to 10 Up to 99 Up to 99 Up to 99 Up to 99 Up to 99 Up to 99
Multi-file, multi-folder
Files of unlimited size (larger than 2GB)
Filter wizard  
End of line conversion between DOS/Mac/Unix etc
Remove blanks and remove extra white space
Add left margin, add right margin, add header, add footer
Add line numbers
Comment filter to document your workflow
Restrict/subfilter changes to line or column ranges
Restrict/subfilter changes to HTML/XML elements, attributes and between tags
Remove binary characters
Case changing filters - UPPERCASE, lowercase, Title Case, Sentence case, tOGGLE cASE, rAnDOM CasE
Detailed audit logs of changes to each file
Import search/replace lists, search/replace list filter
Windows Explorer integration, customize shell extensions  
Developer API              
Command line API for integration with other programs  
Scripting API for integration with other programs
Schedule/automate runs (via windows scheduler)  
Filtering capabilities              
Fixed width to Delimited Output Wizard -  
Restrict/subfilter lines - matching or non-matching lines (used for processing database extracts and website logs), each line in turn -
Restrict/subfilter on filename - allows for file renaming using search/replace -
Restrict/subfilter on files based on their filename -
Restrict/subfilter to blocks of lines -
Move, copy, remove and restrict/subfilter to delimited fields (CSV, Tab, Pipe etc) -
Move, copy, remove and restrict/subfilter to columns -
Debug filter to help get your filter correct -
Remove HTML/XML elements, attributes and tags -
Convert CSV to XML, CSV to tab-delimited -
Convert Tab-delimited to XML, Tab-delimited to CSV -
Randomize lines -
Reverse each line -
Reverse line order -
Add columns, add bytes -
Word wrap -
Center text, right justify text -
Remove matching lines/retain matching lines, useful for processing web site logs and other log files -
Remove duplicate lines/count duplicate lines -
Remove backspaces -
Split and merge (join) files -
Sort (all types and options) -
Single-byte Character maps -
User defined filters written in VBScript/JScript and other scripting languages -
T-Filter (copy output to a new stream of filters) -
Extract email addresses -
Extract filter -
Extract URLs -
Remove and restrict/subfilter to Byte ranges -
Remove email headers -
Unscramble (ROT13) -
Hex/MIME/UU/XX/HTTP email attachment encoding and decoding -
Link to external filter file -
Text To Word List filter -
Pad to width/force to width/truncate to width -
Resolve backspaces -
Remove start or end of file (Unix head/tail) -
Remove line range -
Remove ANSI codes -
Remove all -
Run external filter (.exe) -
Add text side-by-side -
Hex/decimal dump -
Character maths -
Convert IBM Drawing characters -
Repeat file -
Secondary output filters -
Sub filters - record blocks -
Query databases via OLE DB/ODBC to XML, CSV, fixed width or SQL INSERT script format -
Unicode functions              
Unicode maps, save to/load from Excel, CSV and Tab-delimited formats -
Convert Tabs to Spaces, Spaces to Tabs -
144 Unicode conversions filters from single byte, double byte and multi byte code pages -
Unicode Remove BOM, Swap word order, make Big Endian, make Little Endian -
Restrict/subfilter on UTF-8 files, Restrict//subfilter to ANSI, UTF-16 and UTF-32 files -
Convert from Microsoft Excel to CSV -
Convert from Microsoft Word to text -
Convert from PDF to text -
Export filter to clipboard/export command line to clipboard -  
Export to JScript, VBScript and web pages --  
Mainframe copybook functions - for converting mainframe data              
Mainframe Copybook Filter - -
Time and accuracy savings - immeasurable. Pricing (before volume discounts) $150 / year $199 / year [volume discounts] $399 / year [volume discounts] $199 / year $699 / year per Server $499 / year per Floating License $500 / year per Application

1. One workstation, or One user only