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Winner of the International 2003 SIA Best Application award!

What is TextPipe?

TextPipe™ is our multi-award winning, industrial strength text transformation, conversion, cleansing and extraction workbench.

TextPipe Users:
  • Business Analysts (BAs)
  • Database Administrators (DBAs)
  • Consultants
  • Web Site Designers and Authors
  • Developers
  • Team Programmers
  • System Administrators
  • Journalists
  • Researchers
  • Librarians
  • Translators
TextPipe Industries:
  • Banking and Finance
  • Mail houses
  • Content Management
  • Print and Publishing
  • Systems Integrators
  • Database Consulting
  • Consultancy/High Tech
  • Medical and Pharmaceuticals
  • Government (Local, State and Federal)
  • Mining and Telecommunications
  • Industrial/Manufacturing
  • Education and Research
  • Law and Enforcement
TextPipe Customers:
  • Bank of America
  • Commerzbank
  • NASA
  • US Department of Energy
  • US Department of Justice
  • 14 Universities
  • Oxford University Press
  • Random House
  • Accenture
  • Deloitte
  • Cisco
  • HP/Compaq
  • Symantec
  • Siemens

and other Information Professionals

* Anyone Needing to Fix Text Data

And 1500+ others in 56 countries…

TextPipe will save you time, frustration and money. It will fix text data, regardless of the number of changes required, the size or number of files, and the complexity of the transformations.

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It is trusted by over 1500 customers in 56 countries to

  • Convert Huge Files Quickly and Easily
  • Instantly Prototype and Test Changes
  • Data Mine Unstructured Mainframe Reports and Online Web Data
  • Cleanse and Reformat Electronic Text
  • Update Web Sites
  • Reformat and Standardize Electronic Text and Program Source Code
  • Data Warehouse ETL Processes
  • Extract from Databases to XML, CSV, Tab
  • Fix Data Extracts
  • Split and Join Huge Files
  • Convert Between a Variety of Mainframe, PC and Unicode Data Formats
  • and 1001 other uses. Read more customer uses


A single click merges files (even those larger than 10 GB), another click extracts emails addresses, and another click sorts and removes duplicates. Try doing that with less than 100 lines of code, in less than 10 seconds! And it is far easier to design, debug, maintain, understand and enhance than perl code.

TextPipe's unmatched power comes from its arsenal of 100+ manipulation filters, its unique architecture and its tremendous flexibility in combining these filters to suit each task. Intuitive line, column, field, tag and attribute restrictions make fixing data extracts simple. You can extract and then modify data from databases, in delimited, XML and SQL Insert Script formats. You can roll your own custom filters using industry standard VBScript and JScript.

It's a Swiss army knife combining the best of perl, awk, grep, sed, and many other less common text processing tools. You will be productive with TextPipe in minutes!

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In a recent speed trial, TextPipe made 17 million replacements in a 250,000 record, 75 MB file in 1:45 seconds. Other 'popular' text applications took 35 minutes and 72 minutes, and MS Word took over 3 hours.

TextPipe Configurations

TextPipe comes in a number of different configurations to suit your deployment profile. Click below to read more about each configuration:

TextPipe runs on Microsoft® Windows® 8 and x64, Windows 7 and x64, Vista®, Vista 64, 2008/2003 Server, XP.

We also provide Professional Services and can tailor TextPipe to suit your requirements.

Try TextPipe today and see how easy it is to manipulate text!

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